Three old men

Three old men were sitting on a bench when a reporter approached them. “I wonder if you three would be willing to do an interview and tell me your secret…

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A Tired Housewife

Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter — ten men and one woman. The rope wasn’t strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one…

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Awkward Dining Moment and..

During a family dinner, a slender woman with a voracious appetite received criticism and reprimands from her mother-in-law for overindulging in food. The woman refused to pay the full tab…

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Two deaf….

Two deaf men were in a coffee shop discussing their wives. One signs to the other, “Boy was my wife mad at me last night! She went on and on…

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My Sister Was Envious of My Wedding Dress & I Caught Her…

A Reddit user, a 24-year-old bride, faced a dilemma when her sister, Jamie, attempted to ruin her wedding dress a week before the ceremony. The bride sought advice on the…

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A man walks into a bar sits down

A man walks into a bar, sits down on a bench and orders a cold one. He swigs down the beer, looks in his pocket, cringes and orders another. He…

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My Wife Keeps Missing Flights to Visit My Daughter, So I Decided to Board the Plane Alone to…

A 47-year-old man boarded a plane on the way to see his daughter after his 43-year-old wife left to get Starbucks in the airport. It was already the second time…

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Blonde in store

A blonde goes into a store and sees a shiny object on the shelf. She asks the clerk, “What is that shiny object? “The clerk replies, “That is a thermos….

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Funny – Little Tony…

Little Tony was 9 years old and was staying with his grandmother for a few days. He’d been playing outside with the other kids for a while when he came…

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Ma & Pa and the outhouse

Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out… “Pa you need to go out and fix the outhouse! ”Pa replies, “There ain’t nuthin’ wrong with it. ”Ma…

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