Young woman receives backlash for stating she’s “too pretty” to work the rest of her life

An influencer fired up the online community when she shared a TikTok post saying that she’s just “too pretty” for the daily grind of work. Calling her “shallow” and “entitled,” netizens were furious over the suggestion that employment is reserved for a population of un-pretty people. Keep reading to learn more about Lucy Welcher’s controversial post! Lucy Welcher, a social media influencer with almost 20 million likes, recently broadcast a clip that created a viral storm. The young blonde, who admits she’s “the worst type of person…who cannot handle getting their own way,” is frequently seen in videos where she’s sitting in her car, sipping an iced coffee or boasting over a haul from one of her favorite stores.

“I do not want to work for the rest of my life. Does it look like I want to get up at 6 a.m. every f**king day for the next 60 years? No! I’m too pretty for that!” she said in the nine-second clip. Viewers were quick to offer their comments, many slamming the content creator for being “lazy” and “entitled. “Boy I wish I had your confidence, the same confidence to feel like I’m better looking than I actually am. God you people are so shallow and in love with yourselves,” writes one TikToker. “Someone’s entitled,” another blasted. “I hope you get humbled girl, you need it. Looks have nothing to do with working and it’s sad you have that mentality.” A third cybernaut sniped, “How about trying to be an adult instead of a privileged princess expecting life to be handed to you?”‘Slandered’ Responding to user comments by deleting the controversial clip, Welcher – who says people failed to see it as “a joke” – shared a new post where she explains she’s being “slandered all over social media for that video I posted.”

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