Wife Sets Up Test To See…

Wife Sets Up Test To See If Her Husband Is Cheating… But She Didn’t Expect This. The other day, a girl wanted to know how her husband would react if she left without telling him where she had gone.

So she decided to write him a letter saying she is tired of him and didn’t want to live with him any more and after writing, put the letter on the table in the bedroom before hiding under the bed…When her hubby came back home, he saw the letter and read it, then he also wrote something on it and began to sing and dance changing his clothes. He got his phone, dialled someone then said: “Hey babe, I’m just changing clothes then will join you, as for the other fool it has finally dawned on her that I was fooling around with her and left. I was really wrong to have married her, I wish I had known you earlier. See you soon honey! “Then he walked out of the room…In tears and very upset, she got up from under the bed and decided to go and read what her husband wrote on the letter. When she got the letter, it said: “I could see your feet you idiot, I am going to buy bread”.

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