Uplifting tweets that prove women solidarity is a real thing

What makes humanity going and evolving is the way we care for one another. Being there for those in need and keeping each others’ backs should be a trait shared by each and every one of us. Yet, there is this belief that men stand for men more often than it happens between women. Female friendships can be very strong, but the thing is that many say there is more jealousy and envy present between these types of relations compared to male-to-male friendships. Luckily, that’s not always the case, and the uplifting tweets below prove exactly that. Women do stand for one another when needed and it should always be like that. Sister power!

”5 years ago, my boyfriend broke up with me and said: “You’re a nerd who is obsessed with studying!” I graduated from a good law school and became a successful lawyer. Today, I met my new client who said that she wants to divorce her husband who cheated on her and take everything she can from him. This man turned out to be my ex-boyfriend. I can’t wait to see his face when he notices me in the courtroom, sitting next to his wife, who will rip him off thanks to my help.

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