In matters of taste there can be no disputes, they say, and we can’t agree more, because the truth is that the beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and what is attractive to some may be hideous to others and vice versa. The same goes for one house in the UK which was listed for sale and which attracted a lot of buyers, but once they saw the inside, most of them said just “no, thank you,” and passed the property over. The house featured four bedrooms, a master suite, a garage, and a perfectly manicured garden. The listing stated that the property maintained “high standard” but it turned out that not everyone agreed on what these words meant exactly. Believe it or not, the interior of this seemingly perfectly looking home is purple, and that includes the walls, the carpets, the furniture. Well, everything, to be precise. No matter how much one is in love with this color, everyone agrees that this is simply too much. So, what else is purple? The floors, the ceilings, the curtains, you name it. The purple color goes as far as to the closet doors in the master suite and while the walls might be easy to paint over, fixures such as closet doors can be a nightmare to replace.
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