THEY ARE HERE!!!! I’ve spotted several in my backyard. We were all warned that if we notice even ONE of them, we should immediately get rid of them! No second thoughts

I’ve never been a big fan of bugs. In fact, I think a lot of us can agree that while some insects are beautiful and fascinating, others can creep you out. And then there are those that are downright harmful—not just to us, but to our plants, crops, and sometimes even animals. Most of the time, when I see a bug, I just let it go. I’m not in the business of harming any living creature without a good reason. However, when it comes to the lanternfly, or Lycorma delicatula, the scenario changes drastically.

The lanternfly is an insect you might want to get rid of immediately if you spot it. And believe me, I’ve had my own run-ins with these pests in my backyard. There they were, clustered on my favorite maple tree, looking almost beautiful with their distinctive and colorful wings. But don’t let their appearance fool you—these insects are destructive.

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