There’s a detail in this photo that’s freaking people out… I would’ve never noticed

Truth be told, despite the age limit of 21 for consuming alcoholic beverages, many students are curious to have a drink or two even before that. This is one of the reasons why many of them try to smuggle alcohol on their prom night although they are perfectly aware they are not supposed to. So how can someone get away with bringing in alcohol at school? A girl named Eleanor managed to do this in a very wise manner. Well, it’s not that we advice any minor to do so, but her clever idea did take the Internet by storm. Namely, she and a couple of other friends took a photo of themselves, and Eleanor, believe it or not, had a hip flask “hidden” in plain sight and yet, no one was able to notice it. What she did was use the huge flask as a detail to her overall looks and had it in her hands instead of a clutch bag. As the flask was a metallic one, it did resemble a woman’s bag. What’s most, her intention of smuggling alcohol at school wouldn’t be exposed if she hadn’t exposed herself. No one knows if there was indeed alcohol inside Eleanor’s flask, but it’s certain that she was very proud for pulling her plan off. “Still don’t know how I got away with a huge hip flask as my prom clutch,” she wrote on on X (previously Twitter). Allegedly, she had purchased the flask at Tiger for $12. As they move on to the next phase in their lives, we send these young ladies our best wishes.

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