Story – CALLER ID….

Hello? Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is mommy near the phone? No, daddy. Shes upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul. After a brief pause, daddy say but honey you don’t have an Uncle Paul. Oh yes I do, & he’s upstairs in the room with mommy right now. Brief pause. Uh ok then I want you to put the phone down & run upstairs & knock on the door & shout to mommy that daddy’s car just pulled up. Ok daddy just a min.

A few min later the lil girl comes back to the phone. I did it daddy. And what happened honey? Well mommy got mommy that daddy’s car just pulled up. Ok daddy just a min. A few min later the lil girl comes back to the phone. I did it daddy. And what happened honey? Well mommy got scared, jumped outta bed naked & ran round screamin then tripped on the rug, hit her head on the dresser & now she isn’t movin at all! OMG!!! What about your Uncle Paul? He jumped outta the back window into the pool. But I guess he didn’t know you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of it & I think hes dead! Real long pause! Then daddy says, swimming pool? Is this 486-5732? Lil girl says No I think you have the wrong number.

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