So Funny – long drive

A guy and his girlfriend were going on a romantic long drive. Suddenly, the guy, who is driving the car pulls up on the side of the highway and starts to take his clothes off. His girlfriend asks, ‘What are you doing? What if someone sees us here?’

The guys tells her, ‘If you want we can go under the car and have our fun. ’She agrees, but asks, ‘What if someone sees us below the car?’ The guy tells her, ‘Then we can tell them that we are checking for a leak in the gas tank. ’So under the car they go, and have the time of their life. Some time later a cop comes and shouts to the couple, ‘What the hell do you think you are doing? ’So the couple give him the answer saying, ‘We are checking for a leak in the gas tank. ’The cop shouts back at them, ‘You should have checked your brakes first. Your car has rolled down the slope!

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