Senior Couple Steals The Show With Their Impressive Boogie Woogie Rockabilly Routine

Age is just a number especially when you are an active senior who loves to dance. Nellia and Dietmar Ehrentraut proved that when they hit the dance floor at a recent Gala. Right from the get-go, the music starts and the couple executes a whirlwind series of complex dance moves and daring spins, completely stealing the show. The captivated audience can’t take their eyes off them.

The pair considers themselves to be amateurs, but their performance was like what you would see on the hit show “Dancing with the Star.” Their moves wowed the audience as well as viewers across the world. There are not a lot of videos of “Boogie Woogie” dancing online as the dance itself has aged a bit, but this video went viral and will most likely cause the younger generation to start picking up this style of dance.

The crowd was going wild throughout the entire performance. The couple danced for well over three minutes which is a long time for anyone!

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