Secret service might come calling

If you remember growing up reading those “Where’s Waldo” books, you might enjoy this one. A photographer has made a name for himself for capturing pictures of military snipers (or attempting to). He goes out, and tells the snipers to put on their best show, and keep themselves hidden as best they can. The aim of the game is to sot the sniper. In the military, snipers are one of the sneakiest jobs you can have. You need to have a serious knack for hide and seek, not to mention a ton of patience to remain unseen for long periods of time. A photographer called Simon Menner has made a game out of snapping pictures of marksmen in action. ultimately, this just ends up looking like a landscape picture. And a seemingly boring one at that.

Although, the aim of the game is to look at the picture and point out the sniper. People have been blown away at the ability of the soldiers to hide so well. In so many of the pictures, people would scrutinize the image, breaking down everything they see with their eyes. Although, in real life, one wouldn’t have the time to do this. It would be too late for you as you would be so oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.

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