Newlyweds Ki’lled Less Than 48 Hours After Their Wedding

A tragic accident on a Tennessee highway claimed the lives of newlyweds Jessiah Plemons and Lily Rose, along with their friend Madison Davis, just 48 hours after Jessiah and Lily secretly wed. The trio’s vehicle veered off the road on Interstate 40 and was struck by another truck, resulting in their deaths at the scene.

Lily, described as having a “bubbly and carefree personality,” was remembered fondly by her family. “Lily was just the life of our family. She would just brighten up the room,” shared her aunt, Selena McClelland. Jessiah, passionate about music, had introduced Lily to her first concert and taught her to play the guitar. Despite past struggles with addiction, Jessiah had turned his life around and dedicated himself to helping others, even caring for his sister’s children to keep them out of foster care. Their sudden loss has left their community and loved ones in deep mourning, as they were filled with hope and dreams for the future.

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