My Wife Keeps Missing Flights to Visit My Daughter, So I Decided to..

A 47-year-old man boarded a plane on the way to see his daughter after his 43-year-old wife left to get Starbucks in the airport. It was already the second time she would make them miss their flight, so he no longer waited for her. A couple’s daughter, Jess, was receiving her college education in a different state and only saw her on holidays and some weekends. Family reunions are events Jess always looks forward to, so when the couple booked tickets to visit her, she was excited. Unfortunately, traveling together was not a pleasant experience. The man liked everything organized and did things on time.

When traveling, he likes having a headstart to the day in case unforeseen circumstances happen. However, his wife is quite the opposite, with a go-with-the-flow personality. Things took a turn for the worse when they were going to fly to Jess and missed their flight twice. A year ago, the couple booked a flight at 10 a.m. The man wanted to get to the airport 90 minutes early. Given they lived 30 minutes away, the man believed it was best to leave their home by 8 a.m. Besides the travel time, he allotted minutes for them to park the car and walk to the boarding area. That day, the man woke up at 6 a.m. to double-check everything. He tried to wake up his wife five times to no avail. Finally, she got up at 7:40 a.m. Despite supposedly having only 20 minutes, she made her coffee, showered, and ate a bowl of cereal. As a result, they left home around 9 a.m. Unfortunately, the airport was busier than usual. Because of the long lines going through security, the couple missed their flight. The airline also refused to refund their ticket. The man got new tickets for the next day, which meant missing nearly an entire day with their daughter. “Jess was disappointed, to say the least,” the man said.

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