My mom arrived in a frilly white bridal dress to my brother’s wedding to draw all the..

A wedding is a significant event that marks an important milestone in two people’s lives, so this day should be all about the bride and the groom. A man shared a story of what had happened on his brother’s wedding and asked Redditors to tell him whether he was in the wrong.
He shared his story explaining that his older brother and his sister-in-law dated for seven years before deciding to tie the knot. He was extremely happy for them because as he stated, the two were incredible people he respected the most. His mother, however, wasn’t as excited over the wedding for no particular reason. Days before the big day, she threw a tantrum over something insignificant and the newlyweds didn’t even expect her to attend the ceremony after that.

However, not only the groom’s mother was present at the wedding, but she wore a ridiculously frilly white bridal dress. No one was aware she was planning on wearing a wedding gown to her son’s wedding, although everyone somehow knew she would do something just to be in the center of attention and steal the spotlight. The bride only noticed her mother-in-law wore a wedding dress while she walked down the aisle and spotted her sitting in the first row. However, not wanting to make a scene, she decided to simply go on with the ceremony as though nothing happened. “Her dress was much more of a bridal dress than the bride’s that day,” the OP wrote of his mom’s dress. As the wedding reception was about to take place, OP decided to do something in order to teach his mother a lesson for messing with his brother and his sister-in-law’s big day. “We were served glasses of red wine at lunch, and I asked for mine to be filled to the brim,” he wrote in his Reddit post. And, as you probably assume, he didn’t drink it, but “accidentally” spilled it on his mom’s dress after tripping. Her dress was ruined and she was raged. She started shouting and got extremely mad at him because she now needed to take a four-hour roundtrip drive to her home and back in order to change. She did just that, but missed a great part of the wedding reception. When she returned, she was dressed in the outfit her son, the one who was getting married, bought for her. Some of the people close to the groom and the OP were aware that OP didn’t really trip. Knowing what type of a person their mother was, they were glad he did something to give her a taste of her own medicine. The Maid of Honor even told him that he deserved an Oscar for his performance. “Enjoy the best bottle of wine I could find, for the best wedding gift you could have given us,” she said.

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