His Reaction Breaks Our Hearts

It’s wonderful to celebrate the beginning of a new life with a loved one by attending their wedding. The guests of USMC Sgt. Joshua Newville and Senior Airman Emily Leehan’s wedding were expecting a good time, and they got it, but they also saw one of the most unforgettable scenes in history. Leehan had also written vows for her stepson Gage, which she began reading aloud. The adorable little child couldn’t contain his excitement at seeing his father’s wedding, and it was clear that he not only accepted his future mother, but was ecstatic about his dad’s choice.

Leehan, seeing Gage’s wide eyes on her, turned to him and began reading their wedding vows. Everyone in the room went “awww” at the end of her speech since it was so heartfelt. Everyone was crying with happiness, but it was Gage’s adorable reaction that everyone was talking about. He sobbed uncontrollably as he clung to his stepmother and listened to her remarks. “I want you to be safe, and to try your hardest and to be a good person,” Leehan said. She then said, “Don’t cry baby,” because she noticed that the emotional moment was too much for that child to bear. “The last thing thing I hope you learn is that you are a special boy,” Leehan went on to say. “You are so extremely smart, handsome, and kind to others. You have helped shape me into the woman that I am today and I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you. ”After taking a moment to compose themselves, the pair said their vows. It was stated that the newlyweds returned to work straight after the ceremony. They were both required to report back to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, so the honeymoon had to be put on hold.

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