Can you spot the cats? The answer in the

He stated: “Only one percent of people can find the two hidden cats in this image. “It’s not easy to find them so let me know if you can see them and send this to a friend so they can try.” Nick continued: “Can you find both of them? ”In this image, a father is seen reading the newspaper while his wife sits in a chair and their daughter plays on the floor. While these characters are obvious, it might take you a few seconds longer to spot the hidden cats.

Will you make it to the top one percent? Many people were torn in the comments, with one commenter writing: “I only see one.” Another person said: “I found all.” It’s not the only difficult issue that has seen a rise in popularity online.

The second animal was hidden in an optical illusion, which challenged people to identify it within 20 seconds. The black-and-white image depicts an animal on a limb – but can you find the second creature in it? If you don’t, all you have to do is turn your phone upside down.

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