After this situation, my life split into before and after.

My grandfather was the world’s most cheap person. I got a $30 gift card from him after he d!ed. For some reason, I chose to use it instead of giving it away.There was a time in my life before and after that event. When I gave the checker the card, her face turned pale. Cashier: That’s not possible, where did you get that?

Me: Uh… My grandfather owned it. Cashier: ”STOP EVERYONE!”. IN FRONT OF US is the winner of our store’s secret contest that has been going on for ten years! The cashier was very excited to tell the customer that the gift card was a special promotional item that had a million-dollar prize that had been unused for years. I stood there stunned as the store manager came over to confirm what I already knew to be true. My grandpa’s “stingy” gift turned into a fortune that changed my whole life and my future in an instant. What can be learned from the story: Being a cheapskate means you like to make every dollar count. But sometimes it’s nice to spend your hard-earned money on the people you love. It doesn’t mean you spend a lot of money. You can show them you care by giving them a treat or the nice gift they’ve always wanted.

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