Why aren’t we all doing this?!

According to Lim, the posture flight attendants take, known as the bracing position, involves several key actions:
Fastening seatbelts securely
Sitting upright
Placing hands on their thighs with thumbs tucked in
Keeping arms relaxed
Ensuring their feet are flat on the floor

While this position may seem strange to passengers, it’s designed to serve a crucial purpose, especially in the event of an emergency. Purpose of the Bracing Position – The main goal of the bracing position is to minimize movement and reduce the risk of injury if a crash or emergency landing occurs. During an impact, bodies can be thrown forward with significant force, leading to dangerous, uncontrolled movements, or flailing, which increases the risk of injury. By sitting on their hands and securing themselves, flight attendants limit their body’s motion and protect their limbs from potential harm.