A woman turns a Boeing 727 into her dream home, but wait till you see how it looks inside

The popularity of using buses, tiny homes, and shipping containers as building materials for one-of-a-kind homes has increased. These affordable alternatives to traditional housing provide the same degree of comfort with a variety of customization possibilities.But long before it was fashionable, Jo Ann Ussery built her own distinctive home. She acquired a retired Boeing 727 and converted it into an opulent house. (video of the plane can be found below) Exceptional housing Ussery’s journey began after her home in Benoit, Mississippi, was destroyed in 1993.

She and her two children needed a place to live because her husband had suddenly passed away, but they didn’t have a lot of money. She had believed that purchasing a trailer would resolve all of her problems, but she quickly realized that she couldn’t afford a home large enough to house her family of three.

Bob, Ussery’s in-law who works as an air traffic controller, suggested that they try living aboard a plane. Ussery was intrigued by the idea and went to inspect a Boeing 727 that was ready to be disassembled for parts. She fell in love at first sight, and the item cost only $2,000 with shipping. Ussery named her Boeing 727 “Little Trump” after finding out that Donald Trump owned a private Boeing 727 as well. She started her costly and time-consuming house improvements immediately away.

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