What He said Shocked her

Just a few days before her big day, Melissa’s world turned upside-down. The man she thought was the love of her life broke her heart and made her rethink her whole future with him. Melissa told us what happened on that fateful night before her wedding day, and we gave her some tips on how to handle the heartbreaking situation she’s facing. Just a few days before her big day, Melissa’s world turned upside-down. The man she thought was the love of her life broke her heart and made her rethink her whole future with him. Melissa told us what happened on that fateful night before her wedding day, and we gave her some tips on how to handle the heartbreaking situation she’s facing.

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Thanks for sharing your story with us, Melissa! Here are a few tips that can help you navigate through this situation.Take time for self-reflection.


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