Man Refuses to Give Up Seat for Pregnant Woman on Subway, Then Elderly Man with a Cane Stands Up

I was on the subway today, and something happened that really made me think. A pregnant lady got on, looking incredibly tired, as if she had been on her feet all day. She obviously needed a seat, but the train was crowded. She noticed a young guy sitting down, completely absorbed in his phone. She approached him and asked, ‘Excuse me, could I sit down? I’m really tired.’

The young man gave her a brief glance and replied dismissively, ‘Sorry, I got here first. ‘At that moment, an elderly man with a cane slowly stood up and said to the woman, ‘Dear, please take my seat. You need it more than I do. ‘She thanked him and sat down, looking visibly relieved. The old man then turned to the young guy and said in a clear, firm voice, ‘Are you a man, son? ‘The younger man looked up, slightly confused, and responded, ‘Yeah. ‘The old man retorted, ‘I don’t think so. Just having something between your legs doesn’t make you a man. A real man helps those in need and offers strength and support to those who require it. And as we can all see, you’re not showing us that today. ‘The young guy’s face turned red. He didn’t say anything but seemed to think deeply about it. The subway journey continued, and everyone in the carriage seemed to be silently reflecting on the old man’s words.

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