5 Sisters Took Care of Their Mom Only to Get an Inheritance & Got Surprise Checks When She..

Five daughters who were “too busy” to meet their dying father and say goodbye compete to treat their widowed mother like a queen after discovering the inheritance she got from him. While talking to her mother about aging, a young woman realized how money could not buy everything in this world, particularly love. The Redditor and her mother sat down for a casual conversation about getting old. Just then, her mother recalled a story of the Redditor’s aunt and cousins, highlighting the extent to which one’s flesh and blood could go to make easy money. The Original Poster’s (OP) aunt had five daughters who never really bothered about their parents. The sisters shared similar personalities and never cared about anybody else unless they benefitted them. Unsurprisingly, they had vague reasons not to visit their sick father. The sisters were either occupied with some work or far away and decided not to waste their time coming home to see their father. The poor older man’s condition worsened, and eventually, he became wholly dependent on his wife. OP’s aunt completely took it upon herself to tend to him despite having five daughters who turned out to be of no help. Unfortunately, the man died, but he left behind some money for his wife in his will. The news of their late father’s inheritance reached the daughters’ ears, and they soon began visiting.

All the five siblings who once preferred to stay away from their parents came flocking to visit their widowed mother. They knew how much their late father had saved and now began showering more attention to their mother. However, they were furious when they learned their father didn’t leave them anything and felt entitled to their share. They were annoyed their mother got everything but cloaked their anger every time they were with her. OP’s aunt, who could see her daughters’ real intentions, used it to her advantage.
After much thought, she proposed a simple condition to them. OP’s aunt agreed to give the most deserving child a lump sum share only if they took good care of her until she died. Her daughters agreed without hesitation, unaware of how it would all pan out for them later. OP’s aunt lived a hale and hearty life after that. Her daughters, who once turned their backs on her, began to pay her frequent visits. All her appointments were taken care of. The five sisters competed to do all their mother’s chores and treated her like a queen. But deep inside, all of them wished she would die soon, leaving them her inheritance.None of them genuinely loved or cared for their mother and would even vent their frustrations openly behind her back. Surprisingly, even OP’s mother had met one of the sisters and couldn’t be more startled by what she heard.Like the rest, one sister dreamt of the money she would get from her mother. She often told OP’s mom about getting a new house and holidaying when she got her share. The sisters swarmed around their mother to seek her attention, but little did they know their mother was aware of what was in their minds and was simply using this knowledge to manipulate them.OP’s aunt spent the last few years of her life peacefully. And when she died, her daughters were restless to know who she had picked as her inheritor. They waited impatiently and dreamed about the future luxuries they could gain with the money. To their dismay, their mother knew what her girls deserved, and the sisters’ dreams were shattered when they discovered what their mother had done with that money. “It turns out she had donated all of her money to a charity and left a cheque for each of the girls. So they could all buy themselves ‘a new winter coat’,” OP concluded.OP’s revenge story about her aunt amassed an overwhelming response from the people on Reddit. Many commenters thought it was unusual for the aunt to have all her five children not like her. “For all your mother knows, the parents might have been horrible too, and that is why the kids didn’t want to see them,” added a netizen. One commenter said they did not fully agree with the opinion that the fault was on the aunt and her husband for not having all their children not want to be around them. The Redditor reasoned that parents try to instill essential values in their children, but sometimes they do not stick. The Reddit user continued to add that those children grew up to be people who built their own ways of life and still chose to distance themselves from their families, so to blame it on their parents seemed unfair. Therefore, based on the daughters’ money-driven kindness, the commenter thought they got precisely what they deserved.

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